Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Love can change someone in ways that he/she never thought could happen, you can become closer to the one you love and farther form the ones that are your friends but in the end you will always have friends but love can fade. people tend to get a little stupid around people they like or love you begin to do thins that are not you you start to act in a way that is how you want them to see you but that is not really you. Fear is one of the biggest parts of love, you fear being alone, you fear getting dumped, you may even fear falling in love. That fear drives you to do things that you may never do in the right mind, things like becoming quiet in a situation where you would be screaming "THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!" but around some people it becomes taboo not from them not enjoying a good thats what she said but because they are someone you like.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

From a children's I am looking for a short story that has colorful detail and lots of static characters, but most of all it needs lots of pictures.

A good story from my past is Green Eggs and Ham, it had a repeating rhyming story that was more about entertaining and teaching than telling a story, I loved all of Dr. Seuss's books because it was just a great way to learn to read.